This is the part of the tour where we show you the gleeful people playing in Coffee. Descriptions of characters hinge off of the webmaster's commentary, and so may not be precisely accurate. They sure as hell won't be unbiased.
- GM - Andy Blija
- Alia, daughter of Random and Vialle, crown princess of Amber (which she won't let you forget) - Glynis Mitchell
- Cyrus, son of Gérard, carries a sword named Hork
- Gordon, son of Corwin, inherits if father's stamina (but not much else) - James Gunterman
- Kevin, son of Florimel, insists he's not gay - Charon MacDonald
- Sammuel, son of Julian, dances with hellhounds - Donny Ide
- Victor, son of Bleys, the popular swashbuckler/jock/frat boy of Amber - Jeremy Zimmerman
- NPCs, all those other people