Trump by Devin Cox, click on the image for an enlarged view

Trump by Cort Odekirk, click on the image for an enlarged view

Bruce Campbell, as Aramis


Prince of Amber, Son of Flora

Known Powers

Advanced Pattern
Suspected Powers
Rap Sheet
  • Summoned giant hydrogen-filled air-whales to rescue Weirmonken.
  • With Egon, he liberated Caine from the prisons of Amber.
  • Aided in the release of Brand from Trump Limbo.
  • Attempted to steal the Jewel of Judgement with Ghostwheel watching on.
  • Aided in the abduction of Martin and the delivery to Brand.
  • Stole the Jewel of Judgement from both Brand and Flora in under five minutes. Hell, he stole it from Brand twice, in fact.
Current Status
Last seen holding the Jewel of Judgement at the center of Corwin's Pattern, right before he disappeared, leaving the Jewel behind.
Webmaster's Commentary
Aramis is perhaps the exception to the rule that all Amberites are plotting, backstabbing gits. He seems to be one that a person can trust, despite recent attempts at snatching the Jewel of Judgement. Aside from being a child of Amber, he is also the ruler of a Golden Circle Shadow called Aegis. He's one of the few that will actively aid Egon in whatever mad schemes he may come up with.
So far we have only one thing that Aramis' player has contributed, but it was quite timely, and one of the more poignant. It is simply Aramis' farewell to Noel.