Session Five - April 14, 2001

Players In Attendance:

GM: Jeremy Zimmerman

Andy - Ferrin, Son of Caine
Geoff - Lars, Son of Finndo
James - Ansom, Son of Flora
Kai - Kaoru, Daughter of Benedict
Marni - Alice, Daughter of Gérard

As the forces of Amber celebrate a little victory Alice travels into dream to seek out Lellyn. With the help of a friend she learns that Lellyn isn't in the dream realms. Fortunately Alice decides to get some help this time.

On the front lines Lars wakes up covered in blood. Unfortunately it is his own. Kaoru calls for the medical staff and moves him to a less bloody cot. As the medical staff look after Lars, they are contacted by Ferrin whom gets Trumped through. He takes one look at the battle worn pair and suggests a little vacation.

The trio are Trumped to a serve yourself place on Shadow Earth. Lars ends up on the food bar, and proceeds to eat what he can reach with little exertion. Ferrin deals with the security and Kaoru discovers Jell-O, "it has a disturbing jiggle."

Next stop Amber to get a few things for Lars. Alice finds the group and proposes to actually try to find Lellyn. Kaoru declines due to her duty to the front line, which she is getting impatient to return to. Kaoru is Trumped back to a very quite front line. Alice, Lars and Ferrin Trump to a germanic Shadow which has some Bram Stoker elements.

Lars rests up as Alice shows Ferrin the dream realms. Alice, who almost seems obsessed, decides that they should try to track the Silver Rose. Strangely their path leads them through Ansom's dream, where they make his life a little more interesting. Eventually they carry on and find a dream gate to the waking world.

In an act of extreme paranoia Alice shoots down a plane that they see. It ends up just containing a local pilot. Ferrin and Alice take the man back to the city, which ends up being Texarama. Ansom is Trumped in, they all visit with Vincent's mother and then they tromp up to watch over the dream gate.

Back in Amber the front line is hit by a huge wave of little fuzzy things with big teeth. Kaoru Trumps Lars, whom is rested but still hurt. Many hours pass and the damn things are still coming, and the odds are not looking good. Kaoru Trumps in Julian, in hopes that three Amberites will help turn the tide. The battle goes long into the night, until the wave of Chaos vermin eventually dies out.

Back in Texarama Alice returns to the dream realm with Ferrin, and Ansom eventually goes back to Amber. Alice and Ferrin track down Corwin's dream, only to find out that it is a trap. Alice receives a stunning blow to the head. A bunch of grey skinned creatures showed up and started shooting at the pair of Amberites. Alice manages to fall out of that dream, bringing Ferrin with her, and they land on a huge rabbit. The Silver Rose follows after them, but they are able to Trump back to Amber.

At the front lines the new day reveals troops from the house Hellstrum. As if on queue creatures from the harbor start attacking the city. Caine Trumps Kaoru looking for reinforcements, but any of the forces that could have been spared had been eaten by the vermin. Caine is left to find out what the Tritons want, and Kaoru goes about defending her home.

Ferrin and Alice, who are feeling better, invite themselves to have breakfast with Ansom. During the meal Ansom is Trumped by Caine. Caine informs Ansom that the Tritons are looking for Ansom and the "Jewel of Passion." Ansom gets the impression that he is going to be handed over and vanishes into a strange realm of reflections. Ferrin managed to get an accidental trip to this strange place, and Ansom escapes.

With a little luck and skill Ferrin is able to find his way out of the strange reflection world and to Ansom, who is walking the Pattern. Caine Trumps Ferrin and tells him to bring Ansom to him. Ferrin patiently waits for Ansom to finish walking the Pattern, and then Trumps him. Ansom resists as long as he can and then commands the Pattern to take him to Terulia. It is, however, not far enough away to stop Ferrin from making a Trump connection. Ferrin attacks Ansom through the connection, and Ansom looses consciousness.

By the time Ferrin reaches Ansom, the local 'police' have gotten to him as well. Ferrin Trumps the whole bunch to a random Earth location, which ends up being some poor schmuck's living room. Ferrin fights the guards, and barely survives the experience. Now Ansom has gained consciousness, but can do little more than crawl away from Ferrin. Ferrin can do little more than crawl after Ansom. The owner of the living room shows up, sees these strange people and immediately leaves. Soon after Ansom finds a suitably reflective surface and passes into that strange twilight world, unfortunately he also brought Ferrin with him.

We're not sure what happened next, as the two of them left the room. However, after whatever was discussed Ferrin and Ansom have been on slightly better terms.

Back in Amber Alice spends her time talking with the Corwin down in the dungeons. Apparently he doesn't give information to nieces unless they do "the bad thing." Alice returns to the light of day and waits for night to come.

On the front lines the night brings an end to the fighting, and Julian offers to take over so that Kaoru and Lars can recover from their wounds. The two of them travel to Kaoru's Shadow, where time flows more rapidly than in Amber. Ferrin and Ansom also travel to a rapid Shadow.

Alice travels to Corwin's dream, apparently she didn't get hurt enough the last time. Strangely he seems to know he is dreaming, and recognizes Alice. As per-usual the Silver Rose shows up. This time they give Alice the choice of coming to them or them shooting her down. She decides to go to them, but as soon as she is through the gate she shoots the leader with a laser riffle she had made in the dream. She is knocked unconscious for her trouble...