Category Archives: Writing

Norwescon 34 Recapitude

Over Easter Weekend, I attended our local convention of geeky goodness: Norwescon. I had a much better time this year than last, due in large part to seeing people I know throughout the event. With all the workshops and writer events and conventions I’ve gone to, I’ve managed to connect with a lot of really awesome writerly types. So I had no lack of cool people to stop and chat with throughout the weekend.

Now, for the rest of the recap.

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Where does the time go?

I’ve come to realize it’s been almost two months since I last posted anything here. Things have been a little stupid busy round these parts, not helped by the fact that work has been busy and then they revised their internet policy to prohibit 99% of personal internet use.
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In the words of John Carter: I live!

It’s been pretty hectic for the last couple months. Slamming words onto virtual paper in order to meet deadlines and get ready for NaNoWriMo, three trips to the emergency room, two conventions, and a trip out of state for Thanksgiving didn’t help my schedule any. So I’m doing lots of catch up right now.
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It’s the first of the month, and I have lots of things to report.

First off, Rigor Amortis, the book of zombie erotic flash fiction, is available starting today. It features such writers at Nathan Crowder, Jennifer Brozek, Steve Scearce, Kay T. Holt and R. Schuyler Devin. Not for the faint of heart, but otherwise not to be missed.

Second, speaking of Nathan Crowder, the latest anthology from his company is now available: Cobalt City Timeslip. It features writing from Nathan, Rosemary Jones, Erik Scott de Bie, my beloved Dawn Vogel and the (so far as I can tell) Web-siteless S. Aarron Kemp and Michaela Hutfles. If you’re looking for some superheroes from different eras, this is the book for you.


Or, rather, my female pseudonym is. You can read the story (and vote) at the All Rommance eBooks Web site. You will need to create an account to read or vote, but I encourage you to check it out. The story that is competing is titled “Something Fishy.” What’s the pseudonym? Well, you’ll have to go in there to find out.

Foolscap After Action Report

At the urging of my friends Torrey and Nate, I attended my first Foolscap Convention. For those unfamiliar with it, this is a convention geared towards the written works of SF. No other part of fandom. Just books and the like. For some reason I thought the convention was geared towards just writers, but it is actually for readers and writers. Even then, I’d peg the numbers at 125-150. Very tiny convention.

So, here’s what my experience was like.

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Hard earned dimes

Mulling around something I came across, but first wanted to mention a couple bits of news.

First off, Wily Writers has a new story up. This week’s offering is “Valentine,” an urban fantasy tale about a woman who is trying to steal a living supernatural heart to save her mentor’s life. She discovers it’s more difficult than she expected.

Secondly, Rose Lemberg has launched the debut issue of her literary speculative poetry magazine, Stone Telling. I encourage you to check it out.

The bit that I’ve been mulling around is a slightly different model of revenue generating than I’ve usually seen. I’ve pondered it myself, but didn’t think it would work so well for me. But I’ve now seen one author pull it off with one short story, so I figured I’d mention it.

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Announcements! Progress! Cake!

Okay, I’ll admit up front that the cake is a lie. You had to have seen that coming.

First off, my long time friend Joanne Uppendahl has put out a collection of her poetry called She Sho Gathers Stones. I’ve ordered my copy and you may be inclined to order it as well.

In more local to me news, I got a mention in my neighborhood blog. Because, you know, neighborhood newsletters are so last century. The article is about the launch of the Cobalt City Timeslip anthology, which I have a story in. There is also a reading and signing event at Wayward Coffeehouse on Ocotber 9th from 7-10. The girlfriend and I won’t be able to make it due to a conflicting engagement, but all the rest of the authors should be. You can also Pre-order the book here.

I’ve submitted a story to a pro market finally and received a rejection. This was one of the most discouraging rejections to date. Not only did they get my name wrong, but when offering feedback on the story they confused it with another piece they had read. I’ve turned around and re-submitted elsewhere. So here’s to hoping.

And now, the honeydew.

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