Author Archives: Jeremy Zimmerman

Quick bits.

Got my pre-order copies of the Crossed Genres Year One. Pretty excited to have it in hand. Got some extra copies, and I’m trying to decide what to do with them. At least one is being sent to a friend who does book reviews. Another is going to my mom. I have two others I need to decide on.

As part of Crossed Genre‘s Post a Story for Haiti, I put up Golden Apples for people to read. There is a donation link for Doctors Without Borders if you feel generous.

Went to my first member meeting for PNWA. The place was packed, likely because the meeting featured a local agent who was going to talk about writing synopses. This was a hot topic, since PNWA has a literary contest coming up and novelists are expected to provide a synopsis. The agent set off a bit of alarm when she gave some… non-standard advice regarding the topic. There was a lot of good advice, though, and I’m starting to feel a little intimidated by my own work on my synopsis.

That’s it for now. I’m going to stumble off to bed.

Notes from the front lines.

I feel like a dork. I utterly failed to transition my last post from, “Here’s the anthology I’m in” and “And now about RustyCon.” I could go back and edit it, but it’s populated out to other places, including FB. I have no idea what would happen, and I don’t want to be blamed for crashing the Internets. Those tubes can only take so much strain.

As I mentioned last post, I frantically took notes on my iPhone notepad. I emailed myself the notes, but it’s still just random information. At first my plan was to at least talk about the “calls to action” I felt in the presentation. But it occurs to me that others may find this info useful, so I figured I could dump out my notes and see how much of it makes sense while it’s still fresh in my head.
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I cast magic missile on the darkness.

Crossed Genres has posted pictures of the anthology that I was will appear in. I had gotten a sneak peek a while ago, but fought off the urge to post anything until they had something on their site.

I had a good time. I mostly attended panels either on writing or a couple futurist panels that overlapped with my interests. It seemed like a relatively small convention. If their site is to be believed, it’s not Ambercon-small, but I didn’t honestly see that many people moving about. I may post a more thorough blow-by-blow review, but quickly:
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Note for later

I was making a joke on my Facebook status about how I had a strong urge to play D&D 4e and watch Veronica Mars, but I didn’t think the two were related. As I considered a response from someone, the question occured to me: What if they were?

I don’t know that I’ll ever run this, but as a quick note: Adventuring academy. Dungeon delves and other adventures are a growth industry. As much as I’ve made pithy comments about a character’s backgound versus their character class, what if there was a school for people to learn how to be a Fighter or Rogue or Warlock or Barbarian or whatever.

Not sure what system I would use for it. I could justify everything from D&D4e to Savage Worlds to Best Friends to Primetime Adventures. And, heck, I don’t know when I’d ever actually have time to run it. (Maybe a one-shot at a con?) But I’ll put it on the back burner for now.

The Sprawl

A couple days ago I picked up Running Wild, the critter sourcebook for Shadowrun 4e. It’s a pretty cool looking book with some fun concepts. Overall, though, I’m left with the feeling that this would have been even cooler to have this book come out four or five years ago when the game was still relatively new and I was still playing it.

This is becoming a recurring pet peeve for me. I had a similar, and perhaps stronger, frustration when the Runners Companion and Unwired came out. They both represented core books that really would have been nice to have when they released all the other core books.
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My brain feels like an over-squeezed lemon.

Work on writing last night got borked when I remembered that I wanted to go to the Buddhist Center, especially since someone I hadn’t seen in years was visiting from England. So I went out and got my dharma on.

Today has been spent at the Wayward, working on my synopsis for A Sunless Garden and doing a first round of polish for the excerpt. Since the girl has unexpected email access out in BFE, I will email my stuff off to her. Once I get some feedback and do a second wave of changes, I’ll probably start begging people to give it another round of looking.
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