Character Generation Quiz Please fill this out thoroughly, and email it back to both Jen and I by January 10th. If we don't have your quiz, we can't plot and plan for you.

  • What is your character's first and last name?

  • Does your name have any significance to your family, village or to yourself?

  • What is your age (between 15 and 55)?

  • What do you look like? How do you normally dress?

  • What is your social position in your village (from child of a Lord/Lady to a peasant or laborer)?

  • Describe your family (extended or otherwise), and your relationships with them.

  • Describe what form your village's ruling caste is.

  • Who, outside your family, are you close to and why?

  • Who, outside your family, do you dislike and why?

  • How are you an asset to your village?

  • How are you a liability to your village?

  • What is important enough to you that you would take a life for it?

  • What is your happiest memory?

  • What is your worst memory?

  • What do you despise?

  • What do you revere?

  • What is the darkest deed you have ever done?

  • What are your goals for the future?

Below is a list of "professions" which represent various combinations of qualities and attributes. Please pick the three which most represent what your character does or is, and list them in order from closest to your ideal to least. This isn't what you want your character to be in the future, but what your character starts off as. Make your choices at least partially logical. A metaphysical scholar with massive amounts of book learning won't probably be a farm laborer ... unless you can give us a great rationale for how things worked out that way.
Scholar, Metaphysical (other worldly)
Scholar, Physical (this world)
Artist, Visual (painting, sculpting, music, etc)
Artist, Actual (textiles, jewelry, woodcarving, etc)
Laborer (stone mason, carpenter, farmer)
Hedge Mage (dabbles in various hexes, chants, potions, etc)
Religious devotee (works small wonders with prayer)
Naturalist (lives with the world around him/her think Native American)
Rider (horses primarily)
Metallurgy (blacksmith, weapons maker, etc)
Diplomat/Elder (available only to characters 40+ years old)
  • Give specifics if your choices warrant different branches. If you're an artist, how do you manifest your art? If you're a hedge mage, with what materials do you work your magicks?

  • How do you see your skills being put to use in your village or within your family?

  • List three to five personal strengths and/or and weaknesses. (N.B. if you take all strengths and no weaknesses, you'll probably be buying into bad stuff. Conversely, if you take all weaknesses and no strengths, you'll probably garner some good stuff ... balance is good for the soul).