Amber. Finally, I arrive. After these past several years in the Golden Circle I feel ready to mingle.

I have earned a small fortune hiring myself out to various causes over these years. I have also probably earned a reputation, and a few powerful enemies. Ah, the fortunes of war never seem to balance out in the books of life.

My master was right about Amber. It is dangerous. One night convinced me of that.

First I run into my old smuggling buddy Len. A coincidence that he is from this end of things? Hah, I don't believe in coincidence. He seemed to be in some kind of a dilemma. Of what sort I am still uncertain. I assisted him as best I could and in the end we arrived at the Castle itself. There I made myself known to the night steward, showed him my token from the king, and was given rooms.

Then my sheets exploded. I had only been in Amber for a handful of hours. Only in the Castle for less time than that. And someone was able to place a majickal trap in rooms that minutes before belonged to no one. Oh yes, my master was right. A dangerous place. And I had not even met any of the royal family yet.

I was then taken to the infirmary by Prince Gerard. He personally took charge of my care. It seems the family takes offense if someone tries to blow up their guests. I will have to thank the man. My condition, however, unfortunately postponed my meeting with Random. I am so looking forward to it. Perhaps he will have the time to do a little sparring. It would be nice to spend the day as just a couple of fellows. I feel a certain comradery and genuine affection for Random. Perhaps I see a bit of the same rogue in him that I see in myself. It was no coincidence that I helped him out that day. It was fate. My hopes are that we will become fast friends.

I was feeling good enough to attend a tea party though. It was boring for the most part. I was not able to meewas an inquisitor too, because they put poor Len to the grill with all their questions. It seems he is suspect in some strange happenings. I noticed we were being watched. I suspect that my feeling is someone scrying on us from afar. I will have to be on my toes here. Amber is a dangerous place.

Then it was off to Len's ambassadorial estate. Apparently he is a diplomat. I arrived just in time to see his other callers. The Tavern Girl, the Prince, and the Inquisitor. Good thing their was an inquisitor too, because they put poor Len to the grill with all their questions. It seems he is suspect in some strange happenings. I noticed we were being watched. I suspect that my feeling is someone scrying on us from afar. I will have to be on my toes here. Amber is a dangerous place...

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