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Damn. What a clusterfuck.

Did you ever notice that you only have one chance to do things right? I had my hands on one of those bastards and what do I do? I incinerated himonto the fricken King!!! I have seen brutality in my day, but these animals just herded up all these people into the buildings and set fire to them. Where is the honor in that? Nowhere. Honor is a dirty word with these fellows. Which makes me wonder if the word has ever been used or upheld here in Amber? God, I hope so. I hope the King knows something of it.

But I get ahead of myself. I finally got my meeting with Random. There was, however, no time for chit chat or catch up. He needed my help. He needed someone not politically affiliated to head up a military mission in the shadow of Helmwind. He offered me a position as a military adjunct to the House of Amber and I took it. He gave me the scoop on the place and the background on some military strikes in the shadow. I was to go in and get the intel for him. I was also to take a family member with me. I chose Lord Aaron. Silly me. I thought he was the least troublesome of my choices. Boy was I wrong. But I won't prattle on about the grief he tried to cause memainly because the grief I caused myself was enough for this past week.

The morning after Bleys' reception I set off for Helmwind. Aaron had left the night before, on some midnight jaunt with Dalen. He did not meet me as he promised. Then he called me from Helmwind. He was there, where was I? He said in his snotty way. Not to be shown up I let my ire get the best of me, and I made my first mistake by revealing my power before I should have.

I took the men with me to Helmwind and to Aaron who was still with Dalen. My display did have the desired effect. We were about to head out when Dalen entered the Vitae. Everyone was suprised. I gave orders for everyone to stay there and I took off after her. Good thing to, because she did not know what she was doing and almost killed herself. She did kill her steed. When we returned Aaron was gone. After catching up to my men (that #$*)# Aaron again) we continued on.

Eventually we met back up with Aaron, skirted some forest fires, and came to one of the sites. The horror, slaughter, and power used was immense. The attackers used flying steeds I believe, and bombarded the keep with something, I guessed magical in nature.

That night we were attacked. The men were scattered and took heavy casualties. We were bombarded by fireballs. I advanced and captured one of them. He was nearly dead from wounds suffered at Aaron's hands somehow. I decided he would die unless he got treatment quickly. I opened Trump contact to the King..and you know the rest. Poof, ashes, ashes, they all fall down.

Then I felt the enemy enter the stream, and Dalen clumsily following. I took off after her, again. This time she really almost died. I had to go all the way to the Abyss to retrieve her from the scaly shoulder of some demon. It is a good thing for her and I that they are civil down there.

Then I returned to Amber. Aaron had done his duty and spilled everything to Fiona and the King. Random wanted answers, I just wanted to hide. I finally agreed to see Fiona for him, mainly because his enemies wield this power too. And, I am not ready to leave Amber, nor am I ready to give up this mission for which I agreed to take up for Random. Damn. If I had not met the man I would not be in this mess.

Fate. My same old sad fate. I am continually the right man in the wrong place. Is it coincidence that I am the only person who could identify the power of his aggressors? Is it chance that I agreed to help him with this matter that I am uniquely qualified to meet? Ah yes, the reluctant hero. Always around to fight someone else's worthy cause. I just pray this one really is worthy. I pray that Random is worth the amount of trust that I have just put in him by revealing my power. I pray that I don't have to kill someone if they betray me.


Amber is in a heap of trouble. An enemy bent on its destruction. An enemy like this would not move out into the open unless they thought they could win. Unless they had no fear of Amber or its house. Those in Amber should all be afraid, for imagination is the only limit to the horde they may soon be facing soon. I must warn Random.


She should not be. She is the key to this all. The enemy will want her. Her life is in danger.

After my gut wrenching revelation of power to Fiona I went to Dalen.

I told her everything about Vitae that I knew. I instructed her. I told her she was in danger. I told her to stay away from the elders and be wary of the enemy. Everyone will be wanting to get a hold of her. To use her, or to kill her. I told her to call on me when she needed. I told her I had a safe place to take her if things got hairy. I think she finally listened to me for once.

Then we found Aaron. He was missing apparently. He had had a nasty run in with something. We took him home and his mommy took over his care. Ewww. Poor guy. I am beginning to see why he turned out the way he did.

Got to go crash. I have a lot of work to do, and somehow I have to tell Random what I fear is coming his way.

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