Aaron's Journal, Part Two

<<Late Night>>

Couldn't people just be a little more courteous?

I was awaken by a servant last night - and for what? Dalen and Len. They show up wanting to talk to me urgently. I'm sorry, but when anyone adds that to any important situation, it almost makes me think that it's not. It's such an overused word, and should only be saved for when you really mean it.

She showed up spewing something that I need to watch out for Lore. That sometime in the future, Lore was going to be used by someone, and that it was going to be bad.

She was all ready to assume that I just didn't care. And for the most part, she was right. I guess you could say there's some little part of me that wouldn't mind seeing him get screwed over a barrel by his own game. Lie. There's a big part of me that would pay money, get tickets, and buy that overpriced soda and popcorn to see that. He's been deserving that for ages and it's about time someone decided to use him and abuse him - he's done it to everyone else.

But there is a small part of me that doesn't want to see him get smushed like a bug. I mean, I guess I do have some ground in the idea that he is my brother, and as a sibling it is a small duty for me to watch out for him. Well, there is also the idea that I could possibly save him from whatever terrible thing is going to happen to him, and then he would owe me - big time.

I think I like that idea.

Goodnight hopefully my dreams will help me concoct some delicious plans.

One thing I must remember - Breakfast with Mother.

<<Next Day>>

Things started out on a bad note. Breakfast. Mother had decided to have a mother-son get together. She said she just must talk to me. Whatever. It was the usual chats. She starves me while she talks about how I "need to get out more" and "need to watch your figure" and "shouldn't end up like that dreadfully dull bat Fiona" And my answer? Yes Mother, of course Mother, I will Mother. I really do loathe having her as a parent sometimes. I could do a ton of things perfectly her way, but she will always find that one thing in me that is lacking. She's always pointing out everything that's wrong, but never notice all of the things I do right for her. Even the things I do well are bad to her.

I am NOT obsessing over Pattern. How dare she say that.

I think she just can't understand. I mean, she has never excelled in anything that massive or important. You would think if she were so accepting of Bleys of training me in all of this, that she would have stopped me from learning from him ages ago. Maybe she's jealous? I doubt it - I'll go with my previous assumption that she doesn't understand.

I guess in the end - I really wish I could get along with her better. I wish that she could accept me for who I am.

As if that's ever going to happen.

Later on this afternoon, I went to another one of Vialle's tea parties. They're more of a social parade, but who really cares? I was entertained by the ever so busty Klissera again, as she bounded an orange in my direction. She said she couldn't break the skin - with her cleavage she could open a can of tuna. I do have plans for her - I've decided I'm not going to rebuke her as much as I have. If I do decide to go through with the plan I have, I'm going to have to make sure that I ease her into the role I need. And that I also not go too quickly into my role. I figure my total cold responses need to be warmed up to "hard to get". Besides, it would be bad for me to completely ignore her. I'm sure she has feelings too - that does sound cold, dosen't it? I don't mean it that way. I just don't think a long term relationship is going to be something I could make with her, especially through the channels of social phirannas.

And as they talked and chattered, Dalen suddenly became faint. Maybe too much of the hard stuff before tea? I went in to check on her

So, when I tried to ask her more about her visions, she thought that maybe Len was the cause of them. Good enough of an excuse to talk to him.

What I found out later what it was good enough of an excuse for Her to talk to Len. I should have figured it out as soon as she mentioned the idea that Len was the cause of it all.

I had taken leave of the castle after the tea party to see Len and ask him some questions - mostly to do a Lens scan of him and see if I could dig up any dirt. Little did I know that everyone would be showing up.

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